Guitar magic circle
1. Basic theory
I want to introduce “Guitar magic circle” in this page. This is a tool to help you to play a guitar. This tool is basically same with “Slide calculator”. By rotating the upper circle, changing the differential angle between two circles, you can know the tone difference (=intervall). By knowing the interval you can calculate the scale, you can know the four tone code (=Vierklaege), you can use kapotasto easy.
2. How to make “Guitar magic circle”
Print two circles on white paper with
zooming bigger circle to be 12cm diameter. Put it on the beer bag paper with
glue. Cut them with paper cutter. Cut the window hole on the small circle
indicated with cut mark. Drill with 3.2mm diameter on the center of both
circles. Put the smaller circle on the bigger circle. Combine two circles with
3mm bolt and nut. Do not tighten nut so hard to keep circles rotate-able.
3. How to use “Guitar magic circle”
3.1-Usage1-Indicate how to use Kapotasto.
You may have experienced that the score which has many # or b is difficult to put down the code with left hand fingers. In such a case, you can put down the code easily by using Kapotasto. I will explain with example case. Please look the upper score. This score has three b on the top of it. Rotate the “Guitar magic circle” until the same staff having three b has come on the window. Underside of this staff, you can see the Root tone as Es of this staff. And you can see the indication on the upper circle “-Dur”. Es means E fret in German. “-Dur” means major in German. But this score start with Cm code. So this music must be C minor. You can see the indication C-moll on the lowest side of the window. It means C-minor scale in German. You can see (3) indicated on the upper right side of the window. Please attach the Kapotasto on the 3rd fret of your guitar. Then with Kapotasto by playing your guitar like lower score, you can make sound with upper score. Besides the C indicated box on the outer circle, you can see Am indicated box on the inner circle. So you can play Am instead of Cm. With this relation of Tone boxes, you can know the change of tone. In this case C has changed to A. The indication of the code character m to mean minor should be held. Same way the second tone G has changed to E. And the tone character -7 has held. I wrote the lower score to show you this theory. But you have no need to write whole chart. You can re-write only code besides the original code of the C-moll score. And do not forget to add the comment as “Use Kapotasto on 3rd flat”.
3.2-“Guitar magic circle” help you to
change the scale.
I want to explain this usage with the counter side from last usage. You have bought the music score book in the music shop of your town. On the first page of the book you see the score shown underside of the left two staffs. Yes the music start with Am code. The sound of the song starts with A sound. But please image that you feel that A sound is too low to sing with your voice. Yes you are guitarist same with me. So you take your Kapotasto. Put it on the 3rd flat in your guitar. You feel OK. You may be happy enough if you play this music only your guitar. But please image your wife want to play this music by piano with you. Your wife will say “Indicate which scale you use!” Then you need to write the score you play with. Then, “Guitar magic circle” will help you. You stay your Kapotasto on 3rd flat. So please rotate your “Guitar magic circle” to be indicated (3) on the right upper side of the window. Then you can see the staff with three b on the center of the window. So you can write your new score with three b. And you can know that the original A tone has changed to C tone, 3 degrees upper side. After that, every each sound has changed its position parallel from the original sound of the music. You should feel that you do not change the position of the each sound, but you have changed the position of the staff (five lines). If you feel difficult to understand my explanation, do it with your favorite music!
3.3-“Guitar magic circle” help you to know the four tone code.
C and Am are tri code. Sorry but I want to talk with the case that you know well the tri code like C or Am. Please image that your new score has some coeds like C7. C7 is the code added the 7th sound from C, root sound with C tri code. There are many four tone codes. “Code book” can indicates many four tone codes. With this “Guitar magic circle”, you can put your code book on your dust box. Please rotate the “Guitar magic circle” until the 7 indication came out on the upper left side of the window. Then you can see the outer Bb box is come besides the C box of the inner circle. It indicated that “By adding Bb with C-tri-code” you can get the C7 with your guitar. You have many choices to add the Bb tone to C code. It cases the difficulty of four tone code.
3.4-“Guitar magic circle” help you to attach codes with the score without codes.
On the score of popular music, the code is written on the upper side of the staff. But sometimes on the score of folk songs or classic songs, the codes may not be written. When you want to play guitar and sing such a songs you need to know the codes of the songs. The “Guitar magic circle” also helps you to know codes. Please image that the upper score with three b has no codes with it. Please image Cm and G7 on this chart was unknown. Please rotate the “Guitar magic circle” until three flats has come on the window. And please play the melody with the guitar. Then you can know this music is minor. So you can know this music is C-moll, C-minor indicated on the lowest side of the window. Please aware of the color written moll with blue. And Am of the inner circle is surrounded with double blue circles. It indicated Am is the Tonic, most important code of a-moll. So you can know Cm is the Tonic of c-moll. The same way you can know G7 is dominant and Fm is subdominant of c-moll. You can add the code on the score by playing guitar the one of the tree important codes of Cm, G7 or Fm while singing the melody. And please notice the three important codes of Es-dur, that are Eb, G# and Bb7 sometimes comes on C-moll music on the popular music.
3,5 Epilogue
By using this Magic circle, you can understand that the current music theory is made dealing C-Dur. as the center basic scale. With piano C-Dur scale can be played only with white key. As guitarist I feel E is more important sound than C, because two of 6 strings makes E sound. I started to play piano in these days. And I feel that by playing both piano and guitar we can understand the music better.
end 2009.1.12